Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Days Are Getting Shorter.

It’s that time of year again, gets darker earlier in the evening and we wait longer for daylight in the morning. Then we have the Time Change weekend coming up and I know that throws a lot of folks off. Personally, I like the Fall Back because we get an extra hour of sleep. But the darker cold weather months can affect me and others mentally.  And there are some therapeutic measures to take—here’s a list: Scented Candles, more lights on (LED bulbs burn less energy), decorate for Fall and don’t stop after Christmas. My favorite winter perk-up is an electric fireplace or stove with the flickering flames. Yes it does help. Foremost, stay your mind on the Best, the Giver of life and Light of the world.* 
*”You will keep perfectly peaceful the one whose mind remains focused on you, because he remains in you,” said Isaiah the prophet in his 26th chapter.