Friday, November 13, 2015

Where's the happy ending?

Sorrow and confusion can't overtake me because God is greater | Feeling emotionally overwhelmed. Leaving to go back to Florida tomorrow likely the cause but I want to go back. My life is there too | even if it's still a roller coaster ride, it was a glimmer of hope. Because of the Lord I have hope | Sometimes I just want my mom and dad. I know God is better but I miss them.
I went a few dim days there and struggled. Coming and going to Florida and Indiana is no small feat for me, emotionally. I started the regular trips in January of 2015 when my grandson was about to be born. That first visit was a long one, five and a half weeks. I wanted to be there at least four weeks after he was born. What precious days those were-he is my heart! But at the same time I was up against some fierce winter weather and discovered on my second night there, the night before my grandson was to be born, that my car was leaking antifreeze. I was only a few blocks from home, but that “somebody help me” feeling took over the moment. It was cold, the car was off so no heat, I was alone, and discouraged. This car was supposed to be my friend here and was supposed to take me to the hospital for the baby’s birth the next day.  After calling my husband, I let the car cool off a while and, confidence in my car shot, headed home. That experience initiated winter anxiety that continued to develop during the rest of the visit. Almost daily snow and three snowstorms that shut the roads down, single digit and sub-zero temps, gray gloomy skies all seemed like monsters to battle. When I would recall those days I could feel them all over again. But the same way spring melts the winter down, time has settled my mind on the next winter visit; moreover, almost a year later all the back and forth is becoming a familiar cycle, more user-friendly. So, there it is, resolve, the closure, the solution—the happy ending. I just had to wait.

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